The company specializes in many fields of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical works, which fall within its competence

We do all the civil works related to the sites like:
1. Doing the construction and rehabilitation works of all commercial buildings, residential buildings and etc.....
2. Examining the soil and excavation works: In order to determine the kind of the soil, its resilience, ground water level and other works, and then doing excavation works.
3. Doing the construction, paving and rehabilitation works of roads, bridges and tunnels from construction and paving. Doing paving, asphalting, rebuilding and maintenance of roads, which we provide to test and check the roads to make sure that road works structures are safe, stable, reliable and in compliance with the regulations.
4. Doing construction and rehabilitation of the railways networks.
5. Doing constructing and rehabilitation of all buildings, treatment plants and filtering water and sewage.
6. Doing all kinds of steel structures. Our services in this field include material processing, steel buildings and all kinds of caravans according to the schemes and designs.
7. Building steel and concrete bridges.

1. Designing, building and operating waste water stations.
2. Designing, building, operating, installing, maintaining and modernizing drinking water treatment stations.
3. Building pumping stations, implementing, processing and maintaining drinking water treatment stations.

1. Processing materials and equipment to install and maintain fire networks and systems by the most modern ways according to the required technical specifications.
2. Implementing energy transportation and distribution networks: Processing materials and equipment for the extension of energy transportation and distribution networks, processing, maintaining and modernizing networks.
3. Building capacity preservation and raising stations: Implementing, processing and maintaining electrical capacity preservation and raising stations.
4. Supply, installing and operating HVAC systems by using the best techniques and standards.
5. Doing designing, establishing and maintaining closed circuit television CCTV and sound systems (System PA).